Nasu Animal Kingdom: Captivating Performances and Intimate Encounters with Animals

Exciting Zoo in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture

A Popular Zoo in Nasu, Surrounded by Nature and Animals, where visitors can enjoy not only interacting with animals but also nature experiences and entertainment. It’s a favorite among locals and even celebrities, often heard about on TV and radio.

One of the charms of this zoo is its close proximity to the animals, allowing even young children to see them up close within arm’s reach. Additionally, the performance and feeding schedules for the animals are set approximately every 30 minutes, ensuring that children can enjoy without getting bored. The highlight bird performance, where birds fly just inches above the audience’s heads, never fails to thrill both adults and children alike!

What’s also convenient is that about half of the zoo is covered by a roofed pathway called the All-Weather Corridor, allowing visitors to enjoy even on rainy days.

Convenient Transportation: Getting Around the Park with Buses and Lifts

Nasu Animal Kingdom is divided into two areas: Kingdom Town and Kingdom Farm. To move between these areas, visitors can utilize the One-Nyan Bus, Kingdom Lift (available on specific days only), and Tractor Bus (available on specific days only). While the One-Nyan Bus is always a hit, children particularly delight in riding the Kingdom Lift and Tractor Bus, as they’re unique experiences not typically available elsewhere.

Facilities for Babies

The park is equipped with nursing rooms, including at the entrance and throughout the premises, ensuring peace of mind for parents with babies. Facilities include hot water for milk and dedicated diaper disposal bins.

Facility Information

Opening Hours
Weekdays: 10:00 AM – 4:30 PM Weekends, Holidays, Golden Week: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM ※Subject to seasonal changes

Closed days
Wednesdays (Open during Spring Break, Golden Week, Summer Season, and Holidays) ※Irregular closures during the winter season

Admission Fees
Adults (Junior high school students and above): ¥2,600
Children (Ages 3 to elementary school students): ¥1,200

It takes approximately 50 minutes by free shuttle bus (reservation required) or taxi from JR Nasu-Shiobara Station. To reach JR Nasu-Shiobara Station from Tokyo Station, it takes about 75 minutes on the Tohoku Shinkansen, costing around 5,500 yen covered by the Japan Rail Pass, Tokyo Wide Pass, JR East Nagano Niigata Area Pass, JR East Tohoku Area Pass and JR East South Hokkaido Pass. If you’re not using the Shinkansen, it takes about 3 hours on the JR Utsunomiya Line from Tokyo, costing around 3,000 yen.

Official Website
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